
Push Push {Lady Lightning}


06-26-2015, 08:13 PM

The cub was so upset. Where was he? Why wasn't he answering? She would sniffle as she let her gaze fall to the ground. Maybe he had decided to abandon her after all? The girl would shudder at the thought. No! That couldn't be true! She... she needed him! Fear started to creep into her little heart, a pitiful mewl building in her throat. It was cut short at a voice however. Sure she had no idea what the owner of it said to her but hey, it was someone who could give her attention!

Purple eyes would turn to the lady, her ears pricking up. Excitement would build within and Keno would get to her paws. Nevermind the fact the lady was actually yelling at her to basically shut up. She would toddle over to the lioness, looking up at her with bright, large eyes. A little purr would build in her throat, excitement written in her features as she began to speak.

"Hiya! Are you gonna be my friend? You look really pretty, ma'am!" The child would start batting her paw at Mlezi's own larger one.

Ayrox would hold back, fearfully gazing up at the lioness. "Keno... stranger danger!

"Talk" "You" Think