
Making my way Home



1 Year
06-27-2015, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2015, 09:14 PM by Ellisa.)

This place was creepy, Ellisa did not like it one bit. The trees looked old and dead from long ago, the bare branches looking like they were just waiting for her to turn her back so that they could wrap around her body and pull her to little pieces. Steps quickened at the dark thought, trying to shake it out of her head and get out of here as soon as possible so that she could walk with peace in mind. That;s when she heard her name, causing the girl to yelp. Were there spirits in this forest calling for her?

Without a second thought the young girl whip around, her pace turning into a mixture of a fast walk and jog. That's when she heard it again, her name, but this time it was behind her and sounded oddly familiar. It made the pup freeze mid-step, eyes wide and face clearly showing she was confused. So slowly she would turn her head, dual toned eyes glancing over her shoulder to see what it was. "Sorya?!" She exclaimed, forcing herself to blink a few times as if this wasn't real. She wouldn't go away though, the dark coat sibling was still there.

Ellisa completely turned around and instantly charged towards her sister, ears pinned back and tail streaming behind her body. She would run up to her sister, slowing done just a few feet and once she was right up to her the girl would press her face into her siblings shoulder. "I found you, I finally found you..." She whimpered, planting kisses all along Sorya's neck, on the brink of breaking into tears.