
Making my way Home



1 Year
06-27-2015, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2015, 09:15 PM by Ellisa.)

She breathed heavily, taking in that long missed scent she had been craving for months now. While with her mother Ellisa had worried that she would lose that memory of her family, losing the scent she had been born with. But here it was, filling her nose and etching itself into her pelt once again. She would have to slow down though as her sister tried talking, white face pulling back to meet her blue eyes. She explained how she had been looking for Lisa for months now, and asked where their parents were, where Ritselli was. The pain in her face was loud and clear, the signs of fear very present in Ellisa.

”Mum took me away, she didn't tell me why and she wouldn't let me run back to you guys!.” Watery eyes began to stream small webs of tears down the pup's cheeks as she looked down at the ground, shaking her head. ”I tried running away Rya, I wanted to stay. I promise!” Her mind was plagued with the images of her father and sisters being angry at her for leaving, biting at her body, throwing her into the ground and telling her that she was a traitor. ”I finally did lose mum, and daddy found me after.” Red eyes looked back up to her sister, a paw wiping at her nose.

Sorya pulled back from her sibling, asking why she was in this creepy forest and that they had to get out of here. Ellisa agreed one hundred percent to that, not wanting to spend another second here, but was willing to now that she was with her sister. ”He told me to come back and head East, to find a pack called Fiori, Ritselli is there.” She answered, her reason for being n such a strange and scary place. ”He didn't come with Sorya, he went looking for mum still.” It was clear in her voice that the younger sister did not like it one bit that her dad continued looking for her mother, for all she cared the woman could be grabbed by an eagle and carried far away!