
Making my way Home



1 Year
06-27-2015, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2015, 09:15 PM by Ellisa.)

Ellisa flinched when Sorya had turned towards her, paws planting into the dark earth and head puling back as her ears lay against her head. She wasn't scared of her big sister or anything, she just wasn't expecting to see her react so suddenly. She said that Lisa had nothing to be sorry about, it wasn't her fault, it was the other one's. She slowly nodded her head to this, understanding who she was talking about and that the pup did nothing bad. "I understand." She answered, nodding her head once more. Even if she said she did, the pup still felt a little bad about it, but hopefully with time that would go away and her mind would be replaced with new happy memories.

Her amber and maroon eyes followed her sister's, smile forming on her dark lips and tail coming out to wag calmly as she saw the end of the creepy forest coming up. Sorya said it was the end, and once they were out she could catch them something to eat. Almost as if her stomach had a mind of its own it began to growl loudly while Ellisa's sister took off, her little sister quickly catching up and falling in step beside her. "Sorya, can you show me how to catch food too?" She asked shyly, looking to her sibling. "She tried showing me but I didn't understand." From now on that woman would just be her, she, for that woman to the girl, she had no mother.Setting it aside though she did want to learn how to catch something, even if its really small. She had to start somewhere.