
Making my way Home



1 Year
06-27-2015, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2015, 09:15 PM by Ellisa.)

Ellisa's face lit as her sister told her that she would teach her to hunt, ears standing tall on her head and tail swinging in the air. It was as if the bad feelings she had just been experiencing were lifted from her soul, replaced with the good she once had when they were a whole family. Paws brought her to a stop beside the dark sibling, head tilting when she was told to sniff the air and asked what she could smell.

The light colored pup took a few small steps forward and lifted her head nice and high, then she would take in a few deep breaths. In the air she could smell the typical vegetation around them, but as she took smaller sniffs she would be able to pick out different smells, that of small animals. "I smell... small things." She started, face scrunching up as she tried to focus on what they could be. Elli only really told the girl about meals, describing what an animal looked like then giving her the name of it and a small idea of how they could be caught or how they would try to evade you.

"I see birds ahead, but those are too fast for me Sorya." She looked over her shoulder briefly then back to the non-creepy vegetation around them. "Um... something in the grasses, I can see the small plants move." She continued to explain, but too nervous to make the move and attack whatever was in there, a vole. "I... I'll watch first, that will work." Nodding her head Ellisa took a few small steps back, looking to her sister with a sheepish smile.