


04-05-2013, 03:15 PM
Thane lay there wherever he was in his unconscious state. A wind blew through the land and had brought with it scents and smells from the direction it came. An all too familiar smell hit his nose once more as it did in the rock garden, pine and honey.

"Hureia..." he whispered in a scratchy croaky voice.

After the brute had said the dame's name he tried to move once more. One paw would twitch as he tried to move it. It was no use, he could not move still. Another scent then came to his nose, Loccian was here. Thane could not remember if she was a healer or not, but why else should she be here.

It was kind of funny, they were setting aside their differences and she was actually going to help him. Then again there was not much between the two that were different; just their old packs. is what he needed.

"Help.... he mustered out once more

The scent grew stronger as it started to hit his nose full on; as it did so he could feel his strength coming back. And then next to him was his beloved mate pulling him through. Thane would live, and he would be with Ookami after this. The brute had kept the promise he had made to her on the first day they had met; he would never leave her.

Slowly the wolf tried again once more to move his paw. With a lot of effort he managed to move it forwards across the ground. The brute's ear twitched once more as his mind went haywire once more. So many voices were heard....

A prince must sit up straight...the echo of his mother's voice

Do not fret she is a wise pick...echoed his father

-laughter of his sister as a pup-

Race you to the snow cave!...echoes his sister

I'm sorry Thane...your sister is dead....echoed his parents

"No!" he cried out as his whole body jerked on the ground.

The brute's body shivered as it wracked with spasms, he was having a seizure. Eventually it stopped and he was drawn back into his mind once more.


Fight beside me son....echoed his father

Come back safely...echoes Amber

-battle howls...growls...snarly...blood...-

Retreat!...echoes Thane as his father falls

Back in his mind he comes back to the camp to find everyone dead...blood is on his paws. There is blood everywhere until he stares at the bodies of his family, friends, and pack-mates before fading to black.

The brute shudders once more before he can hear what is going on. The sound of Loccian saying she has to collect herbs reaches his white lined ears. was here, he was going to be alright....