
Join the Hunt



04-05-2013, 03:15 PM
[Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png]

Walk | Talk | Think

A moment passed in awkward silence as a few faces turned to acknowledge her outburst, but none openly approached her to name themselves as the one she sought. Had he already gone on passed her and slipped out in the early risers from the meeting to get himself out of earshot already? A second of discouragement passed through her as this thought coasted through her mind, drawing her ears slightly back in worry that she might have to go search for the unknown male throughout the territory, when she spotted someone making a direct course toward her. Ears perking forward, the lean grey wolf stood attentively, smiling and waiting to see if he would greet her.

Sure enough, he did, and a great sense of relief settled over her body as she relaxed, grinning brightly at his simple hello. "Hi," she echoed happily, her tail giving a faint wag behind her as she seated herself on the ground with her new leader before her. Nodding her head as he sought confirmation on her name, Ashtoreth answered pleasantly, "Pleasure to meet you."

As he spoke of respect and tolerance, Ash suppressed a little laugh. Was he under the impression he was going to have his paws full dealing with her? Not sure what sort of reputation she had put out thus far among her pack mates, she allowed a gentle chuckle to slip from her smiling muzzle and set her gold and purple eyes on Thane with a grin. "I don't think Collision would have given you your job if he thought you didn't deserve it, so you've got my respect for earning it." Maybe it was not what the dark colored wolf had been expecting, but Ashtoreth knew better than to cross her leaders, even the ones who still answered to someone else above them. And considering she still wished to prove herself to her pack mates, it seemed easiest to start here with Thane.

With the prospect of a hunt still in their future, her thoughts continued to drift along to the process that lay ahead of them, and particularly to what the two of them might easily catch to feed themselves and the rest of their group. Their options were limited, surely, but still gaining familiarity to their new territory she wondered if Thane's expertise might prove more useful than her own. "Have you gotten a chance to see what's available to catch here?" she asked, unafraid of turning the questions back around to the task at hand. In fact, she was excited about it. About getting acquainted with a new face, about the chance to show off her skill, and about getting a new look at their territory through a hunting excursion.


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