
Making my way Home



1 Year
06-28-2015, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2015, 09:16 PM by Ellisa.)

Ellisa was very nervous about the idea of trying to attempt and catch something, only seeing herself fail horribly. She didn't want that to happen in front of her sister, not that she thought Sorya would laugh or anything, it was just incredibly embarrassing. In addition to that, the girl was honestly just too tired to spend that energy just to fail, gaining nothing from the outcome. So it was better off that the dark pelted sibling catch something while she had the knowledge, they still had time to practice once they reached Fiori and found their other sister. Hopefully it would be soon.

Sorya explained that one of the scents belonged to Lapwing, which was the bird up ahead. Lisa nodded her head, looking back to the feathered creature and tried to remember what it looked like in case they ran into them again. White and black, long feathers n the top of their head that made them look a little silly, got it. Next was rabbit, now that the girl knew about for sure, she had seen many of them while she was away. Small brown and white animals with long ears and ran fast. Now voles, she wasn't too sure, but would guess that it was whatever was hiding in the grasses.

As her sister motioned her over, Ellisa would nod her head once more and take a step back, keeping her eyes open so she could see how her sister went about catching the animal. It wouldn't register that the older sister was going downwind first, something she would learn about in future lessons. When she got closer the girl moved quickly, pouncing into the grasses and grabbing the creature in her jaws, barely able to make a squeak before it was gone. The girl had to blink a few times to realize what had happened, head tilting in thought but quickly turning to her sister as she nudged the animal forward.

With a smile, Sorya promised that she would give her little sister a hunting lessons once they found Rits, making Ellisa grin widely. "Thank you Rya, maybe Rits could join us too! You did a good job, and was so fast!" She complimented, leaning over and kissing her sister on the cheek before using her paw to hold the vole down while she dug into it. The girl would take her fill, only eating about half the vole before pulling back and licking her lips, pushing the rest towards her sister. Yeah she was still hungry but for now this would do and her sibling deserved to eat what she caught.

-exit ellisa-