
They'reeee HEREEEE Sonticus babies



4 Years
06-28-2015, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2015, 03:45 PM by Freya.)
(Lolaf wants to preface this: I’m going to be camping the week of August 5th. I believe they’ll be wifi but not sure how much time or chance I’ll have to post but if given the chance I’ll do my best to get Vevina posting. No promises unfortunately.)

Username: Lolaf

Password: Sonnie

Name: Vevina

Design: #4 (Slightly altered to have heterochromia)

Sex: Female


As an adult the girl will be only a hair shorter than her father at 31 inches at her full height. She weighs a dainty 112 pounds which gives her an elegant frame, long slender legs and lithe feminine form wrapped in smooth thick fur.

The babe is swaddled in a rich fulvous tone though it is broken by many other colors. Blending with her light brown coat is a deeper chocolate tone that extends in a thick stripe down the base of her tail all along its length. This color also marks her muzzle, pulling up from her nose up past her eyes and down to just past her mid back, coloring the entire area above in the deep brown color. Additionally her back paws below her hocks is an ashy black color. Most notably however is the white. Her front paws just below the ankle, chest and underbelly are this bright ivory color; and of course the iconic eye patch on her left eye.

The girl possess a brilliant pair of mix-matched eyes, the left is a deep violet color and the right is a brilliant yellow.


The girl is a rebel, fiercely independent and sure in her identity. Vevina is a little shit disturber, stirring up trouble and then playing dumb in attempt to get off scot-free. This is all in good fun though she may take things too far without realizing it.

She is however not harboring any malicious intentions; she’s simply struggles with empathy. Not that she lacks it but it’s perhaps not as strong in her as in others. She strives to do what’s right but doesn’t tend to be too beat up if she doesn’t succeed and will choose to serve herself over others one hundred percent of the time.

She is however fiercely loyal to her family, they are most likely to see her good side as she strives to impress and even sometimes outdo them. She loves hard and fast and thinks just highly enough of herself to have high standards. She knows what she deserves and won’t settle for anything else, of course this doesn’t account for true matters of the heart and she’s vulnerable to being caught off guard by any wolf she views as attractive. They become a goal, something to strive for, something she deserves.

Allignment: True Neutral

Rp Sample: Vevina was playing princess… of course she was always the princess! But she didn’t want to be saved, not this time! So while her siblings planned the best way to save her she snuck away, giggling under her breath and sneaking around a behind a metal partition. She grinned as she heard her siblings begin to realize she was gone and jumped out from the other side of her hiding place.

“I am warrior queen Vevina!” She declared, holding her head high and allowing her tail to flag out over her rump proudly. “And I need no one to save me!” Smugly aware of her captive audience she paraded in front of them. “The evil dragon was vanquished easily at the end of my fangs!” She snapped her jaw shut audibly, lips curling back in a demonstration of her prowess. That was when they began to clamor, declaring it unfair and asking what they were supposed to do if she had killed the dragon.

She huffed, puffing out her chest. How was this her fault?

[Image: wrqQfHn.png]