
You Were My Conscience...


04-05-2013, 04:19 PM

The panicked bark of a mother had Ocena relaxing slightly. It seemed that this wolf had a parent after all. She would have worried if the pup had been alone. For the moment, however, it seemed that this mother was doing enough worrying for the both of them. Still, hopefully she and Gargoyle wouldn't appear to be that much of a threat. They weren't making any moves for the pup and she had actually offered the youngster a bite to eat. He had seemed a little scrawny, after all. Maybe they could both benefit from a meal... Though Ocena knew that not all wolves took kindly to that kind of offering. Some of them felt insulted.

They were helping these wolves, however. She met Gargoyle's gaze with a slight smile, a twitch of her tail and a slight inclination of her head her only reaction to the look that he tossed her. There were more important matters at hand. Well. She didn't want this mother to worry any more than was necessary. She hated it when anyone worried.

With that thought, Ocena turned to the female, "Greetings," She began in a friendly tone, only to hesitate, ears twitching towards Gargoyle as his voice echoed in the air. "It can't be..." the way his voice trailed off, the shock that was hinted at it in his expressionless tones. They all made her worry just a little, her head swinging to focus on the male. "Gargie?" The nickname had never been the most comfortable of things, but it came almost automatically to her maw as the female gazed at her mate.

Padding a few steps closer to the massive male, Ocena tilted her head upwards to gaze at the larger creature, worried about what was going through his head. For the moment, all else was forgotten. The mother and her youngster could wait. If Ocena were totally honest with herself, then Gargoyle and his pups were her first priority. And the other two were not in immediate danger. She worried about Gargoyle in all honesty, however. So the female looked at him, tilting her head slightly as she gazed at him.

((OKAY i'm sorry this is crappy but i'm about to watch a movie ;n; and I wanted to get you guys a post since you've been waiting yes))
