
Take a plain black marker and write this on your chest



9 Years
Athena I
06-28-2015, 11:06 PM

Kalliope's ears shot up when Frith greeted her by name and a real smile stretched across her muzzle as she gave a small dip of her head in his direction. That's all she really needed, just to be noticed. She realized that it was a little sad to be so happy about one wolf saying hello to her, but it really did break her out of the tense, depressed funk she had been stuck in, even if just for a moment. A few more wolves came in and she did notice that two of them lacked that family scent the others did. While she was still outnumbered she at least wasn't alone any more and that helped too even though she still didn't know a single wolf here aside from Frith.

Then Novella began to speak and her head turned in her direction while she listened. A promotion was announced and that they should be 'inspired' by it. Kalliope's heart sank a little when she thought of the fact that it was very possible she would forever hold the rank she had now. What made it worse was when Novella spoke of demotions if the activity didn't pick up. Kalli's ears flicked back against her skull uncertainly. It wasn't that she didn't want to give back to this pack that had given her a home, it's that she honestly didn't know how. She couldn't fight, she could hunt just well enough to maybe catch herself a rabbit or other small game, and while she wanted to learn how to heal she honestly didn't know who to ask for help.

Frith spoke of a pack hunt and starting up a spar training when the meeting was over. She sighed and her shoulders drooped. Here they went again. Hunting and fighting. She should just go to back to her den... no, no. She stopped herself. Frith had been nothing but kind to her since she showed up at his borders. She owed it to him to at least attend his training. She sighed again and once he left to start the spar training she would follow.

"Talk" "You" Think