
need to burn some muse!


04-05-2013, 04:35 PM

***`viridiana: "a bit hard to explain, pretends to be similar to whoever she is around and is currently beta of Tortuga. very loyal to Nnoitra but wavering with Kaien. very self centered, vain and selfish. loves meeting new people and being the center of attention. hates wolves she believes are prettier then her."
single/ 3 years/ red coat/ tall and lean
NEEDS: enemies, friends, love interests, sparring partners ect.

**`kylar: "just had some pups so he's going through some character development. big massive boy who tends to keep to the shadows and himself. very blunt and stoic and rarely speaks unless spoken to."
single but a father/ 3 years/ black coat/ massive and muscular
NEEDS: enemies, acquaintances, hunting/sparring partners ect.

**`vixe: "kylar and secret's son. a very vocal and outgoing young man who has yet to learn his place in this world. will eventually mature to 40inches and become very similar to his father. for now his father teases him, unknowingly pushing him to lash out at those around him especially his mother. when in groups he demands attention, when alone he is quiet and somber. at the age of 2 these personalities will collide."
single/ pup/ dark grey, light grey skeletal markings/ solid and muscular
NEEDS: friends, other pups ect.


*/***`zara: "her mind is beginning to fray, the descent into madness having started with Rookshank pushing her and ending with seeing Rook supporting Sade still. She met Newt and learned to vent her anger and how to get what she wanted. currently the heir to Lentajin and Newt's right hand lady. slowly going blind and a little more crazy when she can't vent her anger on things."
single/ 5 years/ black and grey/ tall and muscular
NEEDS: friends, enemies, acquaintances, love interests, sparring partners ect.


**`cynrik: "this boy does not wait in that shadows well, he believes he was born for great things and thinks he will find them in this pack. loves to flirt with everyone and is all around a fun loving kind of guy! so far has only ticked off one person in Alacritis and what was his former temporary alpha aislyn so he bailed on valhalla"
single/ 4 years/ golden coat/ tall and feminine
NEEDS: friends, love interests, play mates, baby mamas? ect.


*`friction: "currently chasing Aislyn and trying to get her back. very well mannered and well spoken. formal and polite but knows when to hold his tongue and speak when spoken to. was raised well, in training to be the next leader of Vendure Vacanse before everything fell apart. not sure where he fits in the world anymore and is quite insecure without letting anyone know."
infatuated with Aislyn / 5 years/ grey coat/ tall and lean
NEEDS: friends, enemies... pretty much everything

**`kadence: "a rough start in life, she had her warm home ripped away from her and because of that she has drawn into herself. the fact that she is still alive and on her own is due to the good will of many females along her way that shared their meals. has yet to trust anyone long enough to stay with them. very polite but speaks in clipped tones and always looks at her feet. one raised voice and she is gone."
NEEDS: friends, a new family, a pack, play mates ect.

*characters I have muse for but at already in plots
**characters I have lots of muse for