
I forget where we were



2 Years
Extra large
06-29-2015, 05:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2015, 05:17 PM by Aslan.)
round here the sky's a little closer a little closer to the ground

She would respond with her own little dig at his absences though wouldn't enquire any further into them. It seemed Aslan was allowed to venture out a little more now and he guessed either they hadn't guessed anything about Lux or simply didn't mind her at all. Each meeting though neither were ever sure if they'd see the other again anyway, never exactly purposefully seeking each other out.

"Good to know." He responded with another smile of approval. He hadn't thought there would ever come a time his parents would turn their back on them though the reassurance was nice all the same. His own gaze fell to the waves now, they were a normality in his life, he had grown up with them on his door step so watching them had become a regular thing from a young age. Despite that they still had both a calming quality and a invigorating invitation to come and play, all depending on your mood at the time.

Today it appeared it was time to be calm, sit peacefully reflecting on things as the waves continued rolling on. "Are you ok?" He enquired after a moment, mismatched eyes now shifting back to his mother's form. He of course hadn't quite noticed the growing worries and stresses of his parents over the winter month, something hadn't seemed quite right but he was young enough and lacking the responsibilities meaning he was able be able to remain oblivious to the serious matters that had troubled them.

it's hard for someone to get lost here harder still to get found