
I forget where we were



5 Years
06-29-2015, 05:20 PM
i heard the church bells from afar

It was Poem instead that Aslan would seek to investigate. In the same way she knew little about how the woman had come to lead, Novella knew very little about her. The family tree had once been explained to her a little, though not much of it had stuck, so many names and aunts and uncles she had never met nor was she ever likely to run into. It made sense that he would enquire though, he had known his own grandparents for a short while, it surely seemed logical that she would be able to share more about hers.

"I'm afraid I never knew much about her, she had died before I was born." Novella explained, it was a shame, family was so important to her it would have been nice to meet more of her relations. "I know she and my grandfather had lots of children though I had never met any of them either, I don't know much of the family beyond your grandparents."

"I know your grandfather had a much smaller family, one of his sisters, Arelahn, lived in Ahlon with us and two of her children, Satu and Cirala." She had heard of Dubara, but had never met her though the odd story had appeared about her in the past. To be honest she mainly mentioned Arelahn for the sake of bringing up Satu, it had been so long since she had seen her cousin and hoped that she was alright. "Both of them travelled to Alacritia, in fact Satu was in Sawtooth before it split into Sawtooth and Threar. I haven't seen either for quite some time though, I sometimes wonder if they went back to Ahlon as many of your aunts and uncles seem to have done."

we found each other in the dark