
Bringing home the Misses



5 Years
06-29-2015, 05:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was obvious her efforts in getting the large male wolf into her den were getting her nowhere, and that when he finally did end up stumbling into her den it was really by his own doing. The sudden movement he made to step further into the den had her stumbling too, and with a little noise of surprise Anais had to catch herself before she went sprawling onto the ground beside him. She righted herself with an embarrassed laugh, golden eyes seeking out Glacier's as he admitted his defeat and capture. It had worked - mostly because he had let it - but very quickly she realized she had not thought her plan through.

What was she to do with her captive? Snuggling close to him and just talking about nothing and everything all at once sounded like a wonderfully fantastic idea, but she had to remind herself that the big blue wolf had responsibilities that he needed to take care of, a pack to run and a family to watch over. Keeping him all to herself was definitely not going to work. "I...I don't know," she answered honestly, her smile sheepish as she crept over to him as he settled upon his side. Her ears tucked as she reached for him, nuzzling against his cheek and into his neck. She had good, quality quiet time with him now; she needed to make the most of it.

Her thoughts turned toward the pack she would soon need to start socializing with, the family that was large and boisterous and just a little intimidating. The thought of being placed right in the midst of them made her nervous, but at the same time Anais knew she would do it. But maybe she could get a little help before she had to. "Maybe you could tell me more about your brothers and sisters?" she asked as she took a seat before him. A little of her nervousness was visible within her expression as she brought up the subject, but she made herself say it anyway. "I'm still nervous to meet them all."
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.