
Where we are



7 Years
Dire wolf
06-29-2015, 05:38 PM

ooc. hope you don't mind Caia being grumpy!

The cosmic titan was growing tired of having to hunt her brother and Ria down. Those two were going to drive her batshit crazy, making her travel from one end of the continent to the other. Grumbling under her breath, the female trudged onward. The south wasn't yielding any results so far, and she was beginning to feel sick. She'd been hunting for them since winter had struck, and it was beginning to nag at her. Thoughts of what could have happened to them were becoming more colourful and gory with each passing day. Massive paws struck the ground as she ambled through the grasslands, each crunch like the crack of thunder to her ears. The cool air seared a path to her lungs, and she welcomed the cold. Many of the lands around here were still rather warm, despite the season. Her chest was tight with worry, and if she felt if she didn't get a new lead on her little band of renegades she might expire. It wasn't long before her strides became slower, ate up less of the terrain, until she was just standing there in the open. Celestial pelt exuded tendrils of steam as she relished in the cool after her gallop through the snow. Rump dropped heavily onto the ground, and she glowered at the abused snow beneath her paws.

Tipping her crown back, the colossus let out a rumbling call for her lost family. She was beyond worry at this point, and was beginning to feel numb to it all. Maybe she would do better to give up. Perhaps they were chasing after her as well, trying to find her in all the places she'd abandoned. Sighing shakily, she surrendered to the fact that she needed to rest. Her limbs were aching, and her stomach was growling. Looking to and fro, the galactic behemoth sought something that might soothe the pangs in her belly. It didn't look like something worthwhile was about to present itself, and it would take an army of rabbits to solve her dilemma. Growling, she got to her feet. Perhaps she'd find something later on. For now, it seemed it would be best to move on. A clear trail through the powder followed her like a shadow. Amethyst gaze swept over the landscape in search of something to distract her from her wandering thoughts.

A pale figure a little ways off caught her gaze, and she wondered if they might be of help to her. Lumbering onward, she made her way across the sea of grass toward the stranger. "Hello." She rumbled, heavily accented lyrics far too loud in the silence of the moor. She wasn't sure what else to say, so the lass simply waited for the other woman to acknowledge her. Generally, she wouldn't be bothered to speak to anyone, but anxiety was gnawing at her insides and she needed something to calm her. Her horrible knowledge of the language most wolves spoke here meant her conversations with a native were nothing but an embarrassment. She hated that.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!