
Life Changing



5 Years
06-29-2015, 06:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Glacier surprised her. She had never given thought to trying to convince her family to join her. They tended all to be somewhat stubborn once they set their mind to things - something she felt sure came from their father's side - and Anais had always assumed her sister's mind to be made up regarding returning to the pack they had both grown up in. It should have dawned on her that it might work now, now that they had been waiting around for a while without anything to show for their efforts. But Glacier saw the opportunity and took it, extending the invitation he had offered her now to her sister, and amazingly Lior agreed. It was entirely more than she had wished for, and Anais's tail beat happily at the air as she smiled, a few tears managing to sneak out and fall into the fur of her cheeks.

She could have easily tackled the large male then and offered endless nuzzles in thanks for what he had done for her family. Admittedly she wanted to, but, considering her newly admitted feelings were still so new and the fact her brother and sister would have been watching, she settled instead just for a look that was full of her gratitude and affection for him. He echoed more praise for his pack, promising her safety and contentment there with him, words that Anais was sure her brother would be happy to hear. Being the eldest, Nako was always so protective of the rest of them, taking it on his shoulders to ensure everyone was happy, healthy, and whole. Now, with both her and Lior leaving, some of that burden would be lifted from his shoulders.

Happily she leaned into Glacier when he placed the kiss against her cheek, tucking her head to nuzzle against him with Lior's happy words ringing in her ears. This was all going so much better than she had imagined it would, and as she pulled away to regard her siblings again she realized how close she was to finally getting her piece of happiness. Nako promised that he and the rest of their brothers would continue to stay near, close enough to answer any howl should they be called for. Anais was certain they would stick to his word, and possibly even creep close to the pack just from curiosity alone. He placed a quick kiss against her cheek and she could only continue to smile, certain that her heart was as full as it ever could get. It was happening! She was going to stay with Glacier now, along with Lior, and everything would be wonderful!

With the last prompting from her brother, the ecstatic golden brown wolf considered the answer to her brother's question. "I think so," she stated through a quiet chuckle, exchanging another smiling glance with the big blue wolf at her side. Her golden eyes shifted then, settling on Lior, and added gently, "Are you ready?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.