
Playing the Victim

Bronze i


12 Years
04-05-2013, 05:35 PM

Loccian uttered no response. Was she dumbfounded by his slight insinuation that he might be inclined to join a pack, if she were in it? Or perhaps she simply didn't know if he was joking or not? Damn his strange sense of humor. His words were sincere, although he wasn't sure to what extent he enjoyed the company of Loccian. She was very likely his first friend he'd gained in some time, and the one creature whose company he could honestly claim he could currently bear-- no, not just tolerate, but actually enjoy.

He grew silent as she demonstrated her knowledge. It seemed as though she knew quite a bit, more than he realized. Careful eyes followed her actions, watching as she pointed out the first plant -- Elderberry. A useful plant, especially as he grew older and his joints grew weary. This one he knew of, but had little idea what exactly it looked like, or how to find it. Nose wrinkled in curiosity, watching her like a student would a teacher, taking in the information with ease.

"No, go on... I might be old, but I'm still sharp as hell." A grin was flashed her way, the expression far more joyous than typical of him. And so she went on, explaining the usage of iris, and nettle. Ears perked, head cocked ever so slightly to the side. Interest painted his scarred features, genuine as could be. "No questions at all. Hopefully next time I find myself injured I can take care of myself, unless I'm lucky enough to have you around again." The corners of his lips turned upward in a smile.