
Round and Round



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-29-2015, 07:41 PM

With his agitation stifled by Katja's presence, Valentine's inner anger latched onto an unwitting target: Esti. How hard was it to watch one fucking kid? Ash's legs were shorter and he was easily as loud as a herd of bison, so really, how hard could it possibly be? She only had the one, it wasn't like her attention was being pulled in more than one direction by a litter of Ashmedais. One. One kid.

Carefully the King hid his annoyance beneath a smooth and diplomatic facade. Yfir. He'd heard that name before, hadn't he? And the name Katja, but it was a vague familiarity and he couldn't quite place where the knowledge came from. So she'd gotten the pack from Kassander? Hm. Unaware of the details and facing an unknown, Valentine's answer was equally reserved, "I was familiar with Ebony under Kassander's rule." There his familiarity ended. He couldn't name the former king's predecessors and he really didn't care to. Only the current one mattered. That is, politically. The brute made a mental note to find out what happened to Kassander when he wasn't faced with the Xanilov's successor.

Katja spoke of familiarizing herself with her neighbors before parting with the question, "The boy is your son?" Valentine inclined his head slightly before replying, "Indeed he is- the youngest." Somewhere nearby lurked Angelus. The boy was supposed to be shadowing his father, but he'd been snapped at enough to force him to shadow from a distance. At some point he was bound to show up. This was just the sort of thing he needed to -quietly- sit in on.

Ah, speak of the devil. The boy approached slowly and after a polite greeting, stopped and stood just to the side of his father's left hip. "And this is Angelus. If you don't mind he will be observing this meeting; a lesson in diplomacy, if you will." Turning to the boy who was blessedly quiet, he said, "Angelus, this is Katja Finnvi, alpha of Yfir." From the...where had Ebony been? The East? Fishing, he stated, "From the East, I believe."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.