
My Give A Damn's Busted



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-29-2015, 07:55 PM
She had found what she needed, the girl running back as fast as she could with long leaves and a few sticks of various sizes. She could clean the wound with the snow and her tongue, though for now she had to bind it, and set it in place. Maybe she would try to find a pack wolf who knew about healing so she could make sure she had done what was needed, though she was inexperienced and knew her skills were amateur. Though that didn't stop her from trying.

Sliding back down into the trench, she nodded to Ylva as she moved to her hind leg. Dropping the sticks and leaves, she sighed as she stared at the broken limb. The woman needed pain killers, otherwise the resetting process would hurt...alot. But what could she use? She had no idea...she was beginning to feel useless, and she wondered if it showed on her face.

Glancing at Ylva, she wondered if the other woman had any ideas, because at the moment, her own mind was drawing blank. Pushing off the idea of asking, and as she tried to come up with her own answer, she moved forward and began placing and measuring a couple of the sticks against her leg, though she'd have to reset the bone...she didn't want to do it unless they could find any pain killers, or a sedative, or...unless the woman wanted to go through it without any of those. Taking a deep breath, she said "I...I have to reset the bone...but, I don't have any pain killers or sedatives...I can go and try to find some real fast...otherwise.." She pursed her lips, this was the first time she had been faced with this situation before, and her heart was racing. "Otherwise...we can do it without any of that...but I imagine it will be really painful."