
You can be my hero



9 Years
07-01-2015, 07:15 PM
(Set before Voltage and Gaia left)

Oddly, despite Arcus' near constant desire to get the hell away from the packland that caused him so much strife, he never seemed to skirt more than a few territories around it. Perhaps someone deep inside of him he was terrified to be too far away from his family and his cushy bed. What did Arcus know about surviving anyways? Up untill now his food was always pretty much provided, his home was safe. All he had ever really had to do was walk. And for some reason the coddling upset him, it made him angry. What did Glacier and Voltage think? They'd be around forever? He huffed slightly as he moved through the strange territory, his slate blue eyes glinting as he thought. There was only so many times he could go over what might just be what was bothering him, before even that started to bother him. He curled his lip just slightly before he continued to walk, moving with a purpose without really having one. He only half saw the girl, but he mainly ignored her, not really wanting to stop and socialize. There was rumor on the wind that his elder brother was going on a trip back to their island, Glacier had invited him to a "surprise party" but he ignored it. Instead he skirted away, not wanting to be seen, not wanting to think that his brother would go back to the island to bring new siblings back, if there were even any there to begin with. He didn't remember having any little siblings, and it seemed he should have if the pattern would continue. With a gentle sigh he moved, just wanting to keep walking and forget it all.
