
You can be my hero



9 Years
07-01-2015, 08:44 PM
The young elementas was equally put off and intrigued by this girl. He spent a good portion of the last year in near isolation, so to suddenly have an optimistic little stranger suddenly in his face was a tad bit...jarring. But it put a small hint of a smile upon his lips, and he couldn't help himself from looking at the odd colored feather weaved into her fur. And he snorted. "I don't even know where you'd find a macaw, let alone pluck a feather from it." He said in his deep voice, tilting his head as he looked down at the girl. "Wouldn't that be like..someone takin' a big chuck of your fur and stickin' on them?" He said, an odd teasing tone on his lips before he looked away quickly, blue eyes slightly wider at his odd behavior. He couldn't understand it. When she spoke of her parents he glanced back at her, seeing her pride. And he tilted his head. His was odd, but he knew little about his parents. They never really...revealed stuff about themselves. With a sigh he'd look back at her. "Well...that's something." He said softly. "Better than you bein' strangers to them I guess.." He whispered as the odd sense of pain crept up again and he shook his head to try and relieve it. This girl was odd...he wanted to go home. But, it seemed she wasn't finished at all! With a tilt of his head he'd look at her again, his eyes searching and brow lifted. "'Pretty'" He rumbled, ears pulled forward. "I'm a brewin' storm, kid." And he'd look at her again, eyes scanning her small form, her blue fur, her odd feather. "Pretty is a word someone would use for you, not me." His voice grew quiet, shy at those words before he huffed to hide whatever embarrassment he held as he turned away again.
