
You can be my hero

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 08:54 PM by Shaye I.)

She snorted again and glared at Arcus's, through the expression was clearly playful “I would never! I found it on a beach in the South with my dad” she explained, once again a hint of pride creeping into her voice as she spoke of the feather. " I could find you one too if you where interested?” she offered, still adamant that the blue would set nicely in his coat, toned with his eyes. The boy was sounding a little less reserved now, and she easily enjoyed their conversation.

He would say something else then, something odd and she tilted her head. “Family's are odd, but it all worked out in the end. I got the people I needed in my life, and didn't get the ones I didn't” she said easily. She got Shai, but not the huffy girlfriend he had had at the time, she got Motif and Rhythm, even when they hated each other.

At her comment of pretty, he could explain that he was a storm, and her grin would only widen. “But storms are pretty. Haven't you ever seen one let out in the ocean before? If you get up real high you can see the dark clouds and the blues reflecting on the water, I love storm clouds, and the sound of rain. Its prettier and more beautiful then people give it credit for” she said, actually getting passionate about the conversation. She loved the sound of rain beating against the roof of her den, but that didn't mean she hid when a storm came – she loved even more to be out in it, to feel its wild nature and see its beauty, a stark difference from a sunny day. She didn't like normal, she liked things that where different. “... But thank you” she tucked in cheekily, not missing the half compliment that she could be considered pretty



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