
You can be my hero



9 Years
07-01-2015, 09:24 PM
She had found it, huh? Well...that was a bit more nature-friendly, he guessed. But when she offered him the feather he blinked slightly and shifted his weight. Perhaps he was imagining it, but he felt a small semblance of care in the offer. It was...unusual to him for some reason. It jarred him slightly, made him almost uncomfortable and yet... Slowly he'd nod, tilting his head to side glance at her. "If a....If you're offerin'.." He paused, swinging his head slightly to look at his paws. "I..ah, wouldn't say no.." He whispered, awkwardly, his deep voice just barely a sound. But she would continue on about her family and he wouldn't offer any more words. Family was why he was here, or rather his desire to get away from his family for just a bit. He didn't want to have to spend his "vacation" time thinking about them. But he'd offer a small smile anyways. He wasn't so selfish to not be happy for her and her situation. She really was optimistic, and she certainly seemed happy with the cards she was dealt.

But as she continued his slate blue eyes would tilt towards her, large and wide and surprised. It wasn't necessarily something that was so surprising. He knew many people who loved storms, he was certainly one of them. The only one he knew that didn't really like storms was Voltage and he was an oddity. So he'd smile slightly. "I...I live on the beach, on the ocean.." He said softly. "And we got this cliff, you see. The most beautiful view of the ocean, and just...when the skies break open." He sighed then, shaking his head. "Just beautiful..." He whispered softly, staring at the ground now. Before he knew it, he felt opened to this stranger, to someone he didn't know. "My...element is storm." He whispered. Elements, he knew, were strange to "have" weren't they, but his family was original, was something...different. "So I'm a lot like 'em, at times..."
