
You can be my hero

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 09:33 PM by Shaye I.)

At her offer to find him a feather, he would agree, if a little hesitantly, and the girl was already beaming. She was going to find the one that was perfect for him, something that seemed blue and stormy and perhaps a little messy, unlike her tidy one. “Perfect! You'll have to be a little patient tho, not just any feather will do, I have to find the right one” she explained. She spoke a little about her family, and he offered no information of his own. She shrugged, that was his right, they had more interesting things to talk about anyway – like feathers and storms!

She had commented on storms, and the look he shot her was surprised, and hesitantly at first he would begin to speak, explaining how he lived on a beach, with the perfect cliff for viewing storms. She grinned at that, looking into his similar toned eyes. “That does sound pretty perfect” she commented. He would then say that his Element was storms, she giggled, that was an odd way to say his passion was storms. “Well, then my Element is healing. I'm gonna learn until I can be an awesome a healer as my Aunt” she said, her eyes a lit – this was awesome, everything they touched on so far she was passionate about, it made it really easy to converse with her new friend. “That's cool tho, I've never had a storm for a best friend before”


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