
You can be my hero



9 Years
07-01-2015, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 09:53 PM by Arcus.)
Arcus would nod at the feather thing, smiling so softly. "I'm...rather patient." He said with a nod. He wasn't entirely patient, but it did take about a year for him to feel so stiffling angry about his situation. He was slow to anger, slow to rile up at all, but when he was. "How..will we meet again? I'm not very familiare with these lands yet." He said softly. He didn't know where she came from, the scent she held was nothing like he had ever smelt before, no pack name came to mind. It was odd, only moments ago he didn't really want to speak to her, he felt odd about her but now..he wanted to meet again. But he wouldn't dwell on it, not now.

Healing was her element? He laughed softly, an awkward sound. "Mm, then Plants would be more your element." He said then. "My brother, Terrae, he's Earth. He's a healer himself, but he also knows a bit about animals and stuff....nature stuff..." He shrugged his shoulder. He hadn't really had much...speaking time with his nature-loving brother. Infact, he only really guessed from his rank, his element and what little he knew of Terrae. Sad, wasn't it? He smiled softly, taking a step closer to her, getting more comfortable. "Best friend?" He asked softly. He hadn't had a friend before. The island they had lived on had been rather deserted and...since then.. "You barely know me, Kid. Should I remind you of evil men with blue eyes thing again?" He said softly, a teasing smile on his lips this time around. "Maybe...ah, you'd wanna come see the thing I was named for one day? On our viewing cliff...We get the best storms, and spring is just around the corner..."

"Burn Baby Burn"