
May The Songs Wash Clean Our Hearts


07-02-2015, 01:15 AM

He'd nod his head at the curious kitty, the woman obviously greatly interested about him. Although he too, was very interested in her, he'd try to quench her thirst for knowledge first. "Well Ms. Kathleen, there is somewhat of a broad answer to that. My species usually, are of golden or tawny colored with black spots all over them, like me, except my lineage also bears various, er...mutations among our coats."

He sat down, eyes bright and tail twitching as he looked at her. "My coat mutation is one of many varieties. I carry what is known as the "chinchilla" coat mutation, otherwise known as a "blue cheetah." He tilted his head slightly, the male thinking of the various other varieties. There were many, though easily explained. "There are also those with cream pelts, which are lighter in color. They are the ones with a color known as Isabelline. Then there's erythristic variations who basically have dark tawny spots on a golden coat. Maltese cheetahs are gray with dark grey or black spots. And sometimes there are dark brown variations with black spots. Among us are also albinos and melanistic variations, which I'm sure you are familiar with already. And still, there are other variations I've seen though rarely." He took a breath, then continued. "There are also, spotless cheetahs. Those who are golden, or perhaps not, that carry no spots at all! It's quite a sight really. And our species has a a few other, er...variations of us as well. Not only are we in Africa, where I am from. But I have heard of my ancestor the Woolly Cheetah. I'm not sure what he may have looked like, though by the sounds of it, he must have had quite the hard time maintaining his fur."

Indeed, there were many different variations he had seen once or twice, and some he had only heard about from his mothers tales. He hoped he hadn't talked her ear off, though when it came to feeding another's curiosity, he couldn't help himself.
