
A Real Cherokee Mudder



5 Years
07-02-2015, 06:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2015, 06:50 PM by Eridanus.)
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The monochrome veteran strode onto the field, molten dual-tones sweeping the expanse ahead. He’d set paw on this place thrice now, this time being the third. He’d been giving the offer Epiphron Adravendi had made to him a lot of thought. Despite what he had said, he hadn’t investigated the other packs yet. However, he had found his sister. She’d given him the customary scolding for his recent injuries, but he paid them no mind; he was a warrior, after all, and he needed to keep his skills sharp.

He passed melting snowdrifts, head and tail falling level with his spine and shoulders, paws falling in even balance under his weight. Spring was here, though he still felt a nip on his nose that said maybe the snow would be sticking around longer than was usual on his homelands plains.. He’d noticed small flowers blooming in melted patches of snow, and budding trees.. He hadn’t learned the names of the plants, his training never having taken that course. The passing of the seasons went by so quickly. But he knew Alethia would feel much better once Spring was fully in control; she hated the cold.

Eridanus settled on a flat area of land devoid of snow, but plenty muddy; his paws slid slightly until he set in his claws for traction. It ought to make his next spar interesting. He settled his weight evenly over each leg, spread his toes, leveled out his tail with his spine and settled his shoulders, rolling them forward over his neck as his scruff bunched. He lifted his head long enough to send a call into the air for an opponent to come and dance, absently wondering what he would be presented with this time.

-:: Eridanus vs ??? for Spar ::-
Round 0/0

Extra Notes: I'd like for this to be a quick spar, if possible. The time limit default will apply to this spar, and all those following this one. Whomever answers, make sure you will be able to post within the three day limit <3