
Sweet Spring Storm



9 Years
07-02-2015, 10:21 PM
The moment he had seen the sky darken with clouds and smelt the sweet scent of rain in the air he had run. Donostrea only had so few land borders so he knew where she would be. He wasnt sure if she had seen, wasnt sure if she would even be there. All that made him move was the simple promise she had given, that this is the place she would be the first moment she had seen a storm in the sky. Spring had come without any other sighting of his young…friend. (That was a strange thing to say!) Luckily the universe decided to give them the show they were waiting for for their next meeting, which is why he had ran. He knew the cliff would be empty, without the celestial bodies in the sky there was little reason for his littermates to be up at the viewing place. And besides, most of their family seemed to dislike rain, aside from their water loving sister. It was great! He wouldnt have to explain her to Glacier, and Voltage was still gone so he wouldnt be sticking his ever present nose in Arcus' business. He could have some peace and enjoy the coming storm with his…friend.

He wondered, as he stood on the loner side of the border, whether she had found his gift yet, or the blind girl he had mentioned. He wondered how her mission was going, and how she was doing. It hadnt been so long, they had met not too long ago. But he knew well enough how quick time could go and that things could change even in a second. So he waited for her, shifting in his paws as he watched the clouds roll across the sky.

"Burn Baby Burn"