
Tiny Bubbles



13+ Years

Treat 2019
07-03-2015, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2015, 01:28 PM by Rhythm.)

Her heartbeat was most certainly growing faster as she spoke to him softly while standing in the freezing water. She trembled obviously, partially due to Valen's returned affections but mostly because the water that was left in her fur was turning to ice and the numbness was spreading up her paws. "...maybe we should get out..." She couldn't have agreed more, but she wasn't really ready to part from him quite yet. His chest would rumble deeply as she nuzzled him softly, his slate features wouldn't hesitate to do the same. She trembled at his gentle touch but that wasn't helping her balance any.

She leaned her weight more heavily into his form, very much aware at how much he shook as well. For the moment both wolves were distracted enough from the dangers of the water that they would not move. Rhythm made her confession, though at first she thought all the response she'd get would be his pleasurable touch. She'd lean into his affections at his answer, "Tell me more." Rhythm couldn't help but giggle softly. "I'm pretty sure my toes would be tingling too.. if I could feel them." She'd utter behind chattering teeth as she shivered again, finding that even his great warmth was not quite enough. "I think we really should get out." Knowing only good things would come from their retreat from the water she'd take the lead, separating from him reluctantly as she turned towards the shore.

Her delicate chocolate paws were hardly up for the journey however, on stiff limbs she'd attempt to cross. When she got to the bank though she'd find that she couldn't lift her limbs high enough to step out of the frozen water. After a couple of nervous attempts she'd look back to her slate colored knight probably more helplessly than she'd intended.


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