


07-03-2015, 04:01 PM

So he was in charge now. For better or worse, though hopefully not the latter, he was now the Azat of Abaven. The title felt strange upon his shoulders. Made him feel worn. He could feel it under his skin, below evey scar that lay hidden by his coat. Allen could feel the change. It felt strange, welcome, and also a bit sad. By him being in charge of Abaven it meant that Bass was not here. It meant that his friend, his brother, was not home. It was up to him to take care of things in the meantime. Care for his remaining children and the pack.

So far he had not spoken with Bass' siblings, but he would be doing so shortly. For this morning he was laying out his plans in his head, going to reach out to each of the pack members and those beyond. The calico gentleman sat in the light of the rising sun, his mind at work. Nona was still asleep, or so he believed. Sometimes it was hard to tell with her. She was a master at throwing him for a loop. Though not necessarily in a bad way.

Allen would breathe out slowly, his dark eyes shining with a soft light. Ahh... such was life. He regretted nothing in taking this position. Though he missed Bass he was certain that the main would come home eventually. When that would be he had no idea... but Abaven would be kept safe until then. This was something that Allen swore.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah