
Calling All The Monsters


07-03-2015, 05:55 PM

With rank came responsibility, and luckily 'licien was feeling more at ease with the promotion then he had been. All that doubt, the wondering of his purpose had melted away. Now at that was left was discovering what he had to do to better the pack from here on out. His heart and mind set, he would arise that morning with a goal in mind. He would leave the area of the falls and travel back to the bay, down by the water, where the fish would play. His bi-colored eyes watched them curiously, his heart giving a small ache. He had not seen Tac recently... and he felt a sense of loneliness that he couldn't describe. That was another reason for his plans today. What better way to squash loneliness than to invite in company?

Head would tilt back, a call being given to those of Threar. Those interested in hunting, in participating in game or lesson of sorts, were more than welcome to attend. Who might attend though, well, the golden man wasn't sure. Félicien could hope that Sorrel might come, though he honestly wasn't so sure his brother would make it. Sorrel wasn't really one for interacting with others. But perhaps Tac might show her face again. Maybe Frost, the shy woman, would come. He wasn't sure what faces would appear in all honesty but... he had high hopes that someone would arrive.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen