
To Be Scared By An Owl


07-03-2015, 06:20 PM

He had been surprised to find her there.

She was injured, wing all torn up and all. Félicien knew little of healing, a little more about owls, and knew for certain that she needed his help. Currently he was debating what to do. Should he call for Sorrel and Ellingham? That seemed to be the wisest thing to do but... the silly thing wasn't accepting his suggestion of a healer!

She was hopping around on her feet, trying to fly with a single wing. The young man would furrow his brow, watching the spirited little creature. He was honestly at a loss, since talking to her didn't seem to help. "I'm fine!" She'd snap. Oh boy... someone give him some aid! Félicien would follow after the northern saw-whet owl as she continued along, trying in vain to fly. This was getting neither of them anywhere fast and he was starting to grow more worried.

"Maybe you should just wait a minute... you're having a lot of trouble and--" The little creature would turn to look at him, bicolored eyes that were exactly like his own hues of blue and yellow looking back at him. It was different than looking at Sorrel... it was almost like looking at himself from someone else's eyes. "I told you, wolf, I'm fine! I'll get airborne in a moment!"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen