
Sweet Spring Storm

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-03-2015, 06:20 PM

She made her way closer to the edge of the cliff after coming up out the other side of the hollow cave. Even as she looked out into the distance and saw the rolling clouds that hung over the ocean, Arcus would point out how perfect this spot was for its ocean view. She tore herself from the gaze to look back at him, the two feathers tied into her coat fluttered with the movement as she grinned at Arcus. “That's kinda the point” she pointed out when he asked if she minded getting wet.

Shaye sat beside him, after Arcus sat a the best position to view the ocean. The show hadn't started yet, so it seemed the pair had done a fantastic job on timing. Waiting gave her a chance to take in the smile the fitted so perfectly onto Arcus's maw. He might not smile much, but it truly brought him to life when he did so – it was charged and impossible to ignore, just like the fantastic storm developing before them. “Your not suppose to say thanks for that, your suppose to say thanks for the feather i'm suppose to say thanks for the storm” she teased, although she still smiled her appreciation before bumping her shoulder against the boy beside her as she got comfortable on the earth and waited.

"Burn Baby Burn"


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