
Sweet Spring Storm



9 Years
07-03-2015, 07:40 PM
Arcus sat in silence for a moment, just allowing the comfortable moment to settle around them. His lips would turn slightly when she joked and he couldn't help but let out a small, rare chuckle of his own. it wasn't usual that he had anyone really to relax with, but that was more his fault than anything else. He would tilt his head towards her, watching as the feathers played in her hair. It was strange to think that she had spent her time to search for one for him, and that he would have something that matches this girl he just met. But it was also heart warming, in a way. He hadn't ever had a friend, let alone one that offered him sweet things like this. "I can't thank you for it, when I don't have it yet." He said with a gentle smile. "But thank you.." He said softly, his deep baritone just barely above a whisper.

He'd turn his head towards the ocean then, watching as the clouds blanket the sky. And he smiled. "I worked hard on this storm for you." He teased, another rare thing. It was like night and day. He knew that if Glacier were too see him now, he would be amazed. "Just as hard as you with the feather." He teased. Really, he didn't do anything but watch the sky. She worked the hardest on their deal, and she had run the distance. For a moment he felt bad, and he'd frown then. "If there's anything I can do for you, Shaye, please...let me know." He said softly, not looking at her, waiting for the sky to let it all go. "I've never had a friend before..." The admission was small, soft, barely above a whisper.

"Burn Baby Burn"