
Sweet Spring Storm

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-03-2015, 07:56 PM

She leaned a little closer to Arcus, but the movement was relaxed, and natural. To her, this was exactly as it was suppose to be in alignment to how she saw the world. The moment she saw Arcus she knew he didn't have to be a stranger, but a friend and they could act like they had known each other all their lives. They could sit in the rain and watch the storm, share some in common – not just the rolling clouds, but the feather too. When he spoke of ot having the feather, she teased it from her fur, not letting it go yet but feeling the soft texture in her paw pad as she looked out across the ocean and listened to Arcus speak.

He mentioned putting as much effort into this storm as she had the feather, and she could almost imagine Arcus dancing across the ocean, an otherworldly creature creating pressure in the air with his movements, putting together the initial requirements for a storm. She giggles softly at the image, and glanced back over at her friend. “That's not how it works, we do things together now silly” she pointed out, bopping him on the head with the feather and letting it glide down on its own to his lap, landing safetly on his paws. She had watched the movements very carefully, prepared to leap up if the wind had caught it, but she had timed it well and they would have no such problem. “So.. is it a shame that that's the last time you can ever make that statement?” she teased him, she leaned back then as thunder rocked their cliff top and echoed off the water. She saw the darkly shadowed liquid tremble and counted “One elephant, two elephant, three elephant, four elephant, five elephant” before a lick of lightning shot down from the clouds, far in the distance. The skies opened up then and she squealed as fat droplets splattered down on top of her. She ducked her head, but her face was already saturated, and the water clung to her fur and she was forced to blink rapidly to keep it from her eyes. She giggled again and scouted closer to Arcus to share his warmth.

"Burn Baby Burn"


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