
Sweet Spring Storm



9 Years
07-03-2015, 08:29 PM
Slate blue eyes would watch as she eased the feather she had claimed for him out of her hair. He had seen it settle beneath her paw and yet he still jumped as she tossed it at him. His eyes would stare widely at the feather as it settled at his paws and without a second thought he'd reach to cover it. Soft blue would tickle the pads of his paws and hed smile faintly at the ground. His first real gift from his first real friend. "Together?" He'd whisper softly. Whod think that flora and storms would make a good pair. But it seemed they did. Or perhaps it was because, on some subconcious level, she knew he needed her. "Mm, a shame…" He whispered, smiling down at his feather as he shifted it between his paws. The second he heard the thunder crash through the sky he'd quickly push the feather right beneath him to protect it from the rain and look out at the horizon. Time for the show to begin.

With a raised brow, however, he'd carefully look in her direction before chuckling. "Elephants?" He asked with a tease just before the sky set aflame with light as electricity struck through the darkness. It illuminated the world, and it made her shine. The rain would begin just as quickly, and he laughed at her response. She would settle closer to share his warmth and without a thought he'd lift to wrap an arm over her shoulders and pull her into the windblown fur that lined his neck and chest. "Youre in luck." He said softly, listening as the sky rumbled again. "We are in for a show tonight."

"Burn Baby Burn"