
Sweet Spring Storm

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-03-2015, 08:46 PM

“Together. the younger wolf vowed, and there was a touch of ferociousness in her tone as she said it and it was clear that it was a promise. He would comment that it was a shame that he could no longer say he had never had a friend and she stuck her tongue out at him through didn't comment on that further. Not that there was really time to say much else before the storm distracted them. He teased her on her little elephant timing, but she only grinned, caught up in the rain and shuffling closer to him where he would lift up an arm and she would duck into his grasp, snuggling into his side as they both got saturated together.

She could feel a chin in her spine and shivered, knowing her fur and his body heat would keep her going for a while yet. She tilted her head, looking up at the sky as her own feather, still attached to her, tickled against his ear. She was distracted by the darkening clouds, and felt the rumble of he next thunder through his own body as well as their cliff. She watched as another arc of lightning struck a little bit later, and her mouth moved as she whispered her elephant timing without making a sound. “It's coming closer!” she yelled out over the storm that had well and truly settled over them. The waves started to rock wildly down below and she could see it thrashing against the rocks that lined the cliff beneath them, see the spray of foamy white that struck the air, they really where in for a show.

"Burn Baby Burn"


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