



2 Years
07-03-2015, 11:16 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Noki
Age: Twenty Two

Character's Name: Reiko
Character Age: Two
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 24 inches
Appearance Description:
Lithe and fragile, the young princess of the snow is indeed nothing near of a fighter. Her slender legs are made for walking, and if needed, running from those who wish to cause harm upon her soft flesh. Long legs that taper off to tiny toes give the young woman an elegant gait, deer like in appearance if one was to compare her to anything else, with slender hips that sway left and right with every step. Pointed facial features give the young woman a more angular like look, a pointed nose and alert ears, she has a sort of aerodynamic build that finishes with a plush tail.

Although she may not be built for power, Reiko still has a thin layer of slender muscles that cover her petite frame, giving her a healthy appearance to her - although thinner than the average wolf, she simply isn't sickly thin like most. Although it wouldn't hurt if she would simply eat more to pack on a couple more pounds to keep what little strength she has up.

Caped in the purest of alabaster, only a tiny black nose and bright cyan eyes poke out from the snowy canvas of the petite woman in white. As though she were born from snow and only recently has risen from its depths, since birth, this damsel has adopted the shade of a fresh winter blanket. The fur around her nape and on her tail bless Reiko with a "fur coat" like appearance due to their longer length, like those that humans would wear in fashion.

Skills: Healing and Navigation

Proof of Purchases: none!