
Lover's Song



2 Years
07-04-2015, 12:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2015, 01:27 AM by Reiko.)

Speech. It had only been a few months now since she had left her family in the North. She was already feeling a little home sick, her stomach churned uncomfortably at the thought of leaving them behind. Was this trip to go out on her own a good idea after all? Boy did she hope so, they must have moved on by now, being the nomads as they were... finding them now would be a near impossible task unless their scents were miraculously intact by the time she got back. However, as the sun began to set over the water, washing its brilliant oranges, reds and yellows over the rising tides - she noticed a few curious things.

One, was the rising tide. She had yet to see that. The waters were creeping up on the shore, the sands were slowly retreating into the waters. The longer she stayed, the more she noticed it. The second thing she noticed were the small blinking lights that rose out of nowhere, catching her eyes. At first she thought it was magic, as though the stars have come down to visit her on this day.

Her ears stood on end, straightening up from surprise as she silently gasped. One of the lights managed to land on her nose, forcing her to cross her eyes awkwardly in order to try and see what it was. Then she saw it, tiny little wings and a bum that lit up at a rhythm. It was beautiful. She stood still and quiet, observing the thing, afraid that if she even took a breath to fill her aching lungs - that it would fly away immediately.

She held her breath, trying to appreciate and figure out what this bug was before she lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen.