
Sweet Spring Storm



9 Years
07-04-2015, 01:25 AM
Arcus would chuckle, mainly to himself, as she deemed herself not special enough to be given the storm's attention. But he begged to differ, he truley did. Everything about her could take in the storm's attention, his gaze, his feelings, his thoughts...everything was directed towards her. He felt he had no romantic interests for the girl, there was no desire to pursue what his elder brothers had. No, this..was more familial, more like loyalty. And in that moment, more subconciously than anything else, he decided with every ounce of his heart and soul that he would die for this girl. He never felt so strongly about something before, well, at least nothing that wasn't cold and raw anger. There was a sense of loyalty to his family, yes. If something were to harm or threaten any of his siblings he would do fight for them. But, no, this was like Fate had given him something he needed. The universe had pulled them together. He would die for Shaye, he would live for her.

He felt her paw against his cheek, his eyes a swirl of emotion and his smile faded to something stronger. Why can't the light and the storm work together? He paused then, merely staring at her before he tilted his head. "A true storm is all encompassing. It blots out the sky, it covers all light and it destroys..." He said, just a touch above the thunder that rumbled. "The light...breaks through the storm, Shaye. It cuts through the power, and the storm yields to it..." Could there be beauty when all a storm was created for was destruction? And he'd look out at the ocean before clearing his throat.

"A story, huh.." He said then, looking out at the horizon. "Are you sure you want to hear one?" He said, teasing but really stalling, trying to search his mind for something to tell her, something that would put her at awe, would inspire and sway...something that was good enough to tell her.

"Burn Baby Burn"