
Day of the apprentice

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-04-2015, 02:32 PM

Shaye would enter to find Rhythm still out cold, and moving the rabbit she placed it in a corner where Rhythm could find it when she awoke. After doing that she carefully went over her work on Rhythm, applying a new poultice here and examined her Aunt's tail without actually touching it. It would be a long why before that stopped giving Rhythm pains, and she wished there was more she could do for her Aunty. Instead, she sat by the cave entrance and looked out into Imperium's territory and fumed. This wasn't a fun and friendly spar like she had witnessed between Kyrast and Rhythm, this was down right brutal and Shaye had no idea what had happened.

Shaye realized in that moment how alone she was when she traveled to Imperium, she didn't have her father, her mother, her family and the few friends she had made. Here it was just her and Rhythm, and that had always been enough for her, so much so that she remembered a time when she wanted to move her. Yet, here she was, with an unconscious Rhythm, with no one to talk to, no one to explain to her what had happened to her Aunt. There wasn't even a single wolf that had come by to check if her Aunty was okay. The pair of them would sit here in silence, one unconscious and the other in stiffing contemplation as she felt just how alone they both where.


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