



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-04-2015, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2015, 01:46 PM by Vengeance.)
Out-of-Character Name: Noki
Age: 22

Character's Name: Vengeance
Character Age: 1 year
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 45 inches
Appearance Description: A monstrous creature of Frankenstein proportions. Standing proudly at 45 inches and weighing in at 260lbs, he is made up purely of muscle with only some fat, indicating he is a well fed brute capable of taking anything that comes his way. Being in his prime, most would think one would be handsome and charming, seeking to find a mate by taking care of themselves - however Vengeance has turned away from the status quoe and created his own way of being. Matted and filthy, the only bathes he take are when the rain comes down to wash away some of the grime that builds up on his pelt, even then it doesn't do much of a difference.
Colored with the hues of the earth, Vengeance is coated in a dark chocolate brown from head to toe with only splashes of black as a mask, hackles, belly, paws and tip of his tail. His fur is thick and wiry, with a double coat that locks in water and blood - giving him more a stench than most due to the almost constant humidity clinging to him; one could easily smell him a mile away as the saying goes, seeing as he rarely hides himself to begin with.

Under his coat, the man is riddled with scars from previous battles. Although he is still young and they heal rather easily, leaving him with an almost clean canvas - at least his fur can still cover up those gashes that stain his flesh in scar tissue. His teeth are atrocious, already yellow and dingy, they are stained and yet oddly enough they are still strong. Genes are to thank for this, many of his age would still have white teeth, at least whiter than his, and yet his have simply taken on a different hue.

His eyes are ones to behold. A deep crimson stains his irises, they shine they rubies in the light, only to be given a deep depth to them thanks to his black mask.

Skills: Fighting, Hunting

Proof of Purchases: I donated, hopefully you guys got it :>