
I Was Wrong


07-04-2015, 06:29 PM

Was Mystic ever going to speak to him again?

It was something that Hypnos wondered as he padded back to Cedar Falls. It had been a long trip, a very long trip, from the North to here. The winter had been hard on his body, and he was thankful for the warmer weather of the south. He would breathe in slowly and then exhale, letting his shoulders sink. Man... he had screwed up big last time. If he was ever able to look in Mystic's eyes again... well... it would be a miracle. Did she hate him, he wondered? Was there any hope of them rekindling what was lost?

His heart gave an ache. It hurt so much to know that she might hate him. That he might have wrecked their friendship forever with his own stupidity. Why did he have to be so foolish!? It wasn't like he was the bravest either! Was he... was he lying to himself?

The wannabe viking would stop, closing his eyes. Was it even right to try and come back here? Or should he walk away and forget Mystic forever?

"Talk" Think

Table by:: Chrono