
Ease My Heartache



7 Years
07-04-2015, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2015, 04:16 PM by Nako.)
Mismatched orbs of blue would stare down at this comely she-wolf, quite the contrast from the reddish of the she-wolf's. She gave her reason, one of loneliness and, well. The rest was lost to him. Cryptic remarks about 'they' and how they left her and she remained to carry whatever burdens she was referring to. Nako would take a step forward impassively and watch the rainbow female stand and make a motion to approach him. He didn't move, this female was emotionally to distraught for him to feel threatened. Nako scented the air, finding no others and that this wasn't an elaborate trap as she came closer. Donostrea was close by in case anything happened to him should that have been the case. "Alright..."

But now here this female pined for someone’s love, for children, and quite frankly asked these things of him even though they hadn't met for longer than a moment. A sign of desperation, a sign of want. Nako couldn't bring all these things for her even as he allowed her dark muzzle to brush underneath his jaw. She just plainly wanted him. Already he felt the stir in his loans, and he wouldn't deny the rising urges or the nature they'd make him follow. He didn't even know her name. But he knew what she wanted, and it was within his power to give. "Remain still." The grey wolf hushed. Already the male was giving her maw a nip along the side as his jaws trailed over her shoulders. Nako's jaws clamped around the bunched skin of the females scruff, right foreleg swinging over her shoulders as he brought his waist behind the females rump. Hips gingerly overlap hers as instinct took over in his search, feeling her tail pressed between their bodies. Alabaster paws secured themselves in the crook between her waist and hind legs. An impolite thrust of his waist began the motions to take her, the rest of the waning evening now dedicated to giving this she-wolf what was once out of reach and so desired.

-Fade to Black-