
Let Me Show You My World


07-04-2015, 08:19 PM

Félicien would chuckle as Tac grumbled, rolling over and asking for five more minutes. She might not have been a morning wolf, but with him she might eventually learn to be. Félicien loved to rise with the sun, getting up early and setting to work. Sure he might take a nap or two during the day to make up for it, but as long as things got done he didn't really see how that was an issue. A yawn would escape the pretty she wolf as she made her proclamation, and he couldn't help but let out another chuckle.

He would blush some as she nuzzled his cheek, feeling his heartbeat pick up once more. He would gently look at her with his bicolored eyes. "I'll do just that." He would gently lift her muzzle with his own. "Chin up! I'm sure that they've made it. You're strong and I'm sure they are too. We'll find them someday. It's my promise." The young man would take a step back, offering a smile.

"So come on~ For now let's focus on this morning. One step at a time!"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen