
Ease My Heartache



7 Years
07-05-2015, 01:39 PM
Nako licked his lips again, tasting the familiar coppery tang of blood. He hadn't been gentle, but the female didn't want it any other way it seemed. Her cries echoed into the night sky as he sought to bare her the wanted children. The thing was that she wasn't in heat and Nako wasn't one to guess how often an out of season pregnancy happened for she-wolves. The paw resting on her hip drew her closer, almost protectively, as he eyed the surrounding foliage. Dark thoughts loomed in his mind. A bastard potentially fathering bastards. It didn't seem right. As if some cycle was renewing itself now that children were within his power to give if the seed took ahold of her womb and fermented into wiggling babes.

The male only cared slightly. This time wouldn't count. She had wanted them, she would raise them. They would know love in their upbringing but Nako didn't want to grow fond of either his once-mate or the potential whelps. Hell, it wasn't the fact that he didn't enjoy the mating, it was the sense of attachment that bubbled on up afterwards. He'd deal with either accordingly, but now his once mate stirred to look at him to voice her thanks, the male giving a dip of his head. "My name is Nako. Nice to meet you Marina." Helluva way to meet and immediately spend time with a stranger. "Kind, shouldn't be the word to describe it. Not passing up an opportunity is more along the lines I was thinking." Nako gave a shallow smile. "But I'm glad. You held on pretty well. I'm sorry about the scruff." The male ventured a cleansing lick at the marred scruff of the female to drive home the point, his mismatched eyes taking in the glistening wounds from where his fangs had tore into her.

How could he have done such a thing and yet she found enjoyment. Was it the volatile mixture of pain an pleasure? Did she like the fanged grasp of other? Was he not her first attempt. He couldn't tell with the damage already done, head settling on her shoulder as he contemplated the viciousness that had taken a hold of him during their time as one. He hadn't with Kalliope, a gentle time spent with the blind she-wolf, but here was the question right in front of him. Bleeding and content as she lay at his side.