
The Rhythm of the World


04-05-2013, 10:06 PM
OOC: No, of course not! And thank you quite much!

Though numerous scents clouded the nostrils of the young woman, a new, fresher one began to stand out among the many ? the scent of a male, steadily growing nearer to her. Nervousness flooded the woman, churning in her belly, swimming in her eyes. It was in her nature to avoid conflict whenever possible, and she had taken it to the extreme her past few years, turning it into a more 'avoid contact' than conflict. As a result she had come to shy away from other wolves unless the situation explicitly called for. Here, she was faced with a far different scenario. She was here by choice, not by need. She wanted to find company, to find a home, to settle down, to fit in. All these silly wants disturbed her better judgment, keeping her from her typical flight response.

A thud of paws echoed in her ears, so vastly different from the delicate dancing of her own, instead marking a large brute with a determined purpose. Her tail tucked, intimidated already though she had yet to catch sight of him. As his sturdy, white body entered her line of view, she froze for the moment, caught off guard by him. He was a stunning creature, handsome indeed. The only males she had seen previous to him were her own father and two who had helped her in a time of need. None compared to him. Perhaps her sampling of males had been a poor one before? If every male in these new lands looked as glorious as the one before her, she was certain the females had to be just as wondrous. Surely she would never compare.

Even so, as his words reached her ears, she stared wide-eyed in almost uncomprehension. A beautiful thing? Her? Certainly not. No male of such stature should ever go so low as to call another beautiful. No, he was an Adonis in her eyes; there was simply no beauty left for her to possibly contain, all of it consumed in the magnificent beast that had shown himself before her.

An unsure caution marked her as she crouched just low enough to maintain an air of submission without appearing as pathetically cowardly as her innards felt. ?Pardon my arguing, Sir, but certainly I am not worthy to be considered beautiful in such eyes as your own.? she spoke in a soft manner with a slight dip of her head, hoping he did not take offense to her polite rejection of his compliment. ?But in answer to your question, I am here in hopes of perhaps meeting those who belong to the packs in these parts. I have wandered on my own several seasons, and find myself craving the company I hope a pack will be able to provide.? she explained, ears pressed back slightly, hoping she had not been mistaken in believing here would be the best place to meet various packmembers.