
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2015, 08:45 PM

As Esti settled next to Valentine, she noticed briefly that he seemed surprised by her question before it finally seemed to click that it was a joke... Mostly. With his laughter, he mentioned that he didn't want to wear her out before the big fight, to which she chuckled, "Wear me out, or get me revved up?" she murmured, aiming to bump her shoulder with his, emphasizing that it was all cool and that she was joking. They would watch the fight together, "Maybe I'll just pretend this is a date instead." Her smile was wide and she shot Valentine a sideways glance as she wiggled, pretending to get really comfy really close to the male. She realized then that she really was comfortable and if Valentine wanted his own space, he would have to be the one to move because the fight had started and Esti wasn't going to miss a second of it.

The fight was over all too soon and Cascade was the victor. A smile had spread across Esti's face over the course of the fight and her tail shifted back and forth softly on the ground. She had forgotten how much she loved a good fight. She hadn't seen an official fight since Erani and that red woman had faced off. That was a good day, Esti remembered fondly. Cascade glanced at her, looking ready to take her down before Valentine spoke, giving the woman a period of grace where no one could challenge. It seemed that everyone, or at least Cascade, was looking at her. Esti flicked her ears to the side, still smiling, "I'm joking, relax, you can have your rank." she said to Cascade, her smile unwavering. Throwing in a wink for good measure, Esti added, "For now." It seemed that Cascade then was looking for someone and Esti slowly realized all the healers except Rhythm and Cascade were absent. Esti chuckled to herself, then turned her attention to Cas once more, offering, "I'm no healer, but if you give me direction, I can probably tend to your wounds. Or Ash, wherever he is, would probably be thrilled to help." Esti shrugged, "Or whatever you'd have me do, Miss Et Uxr." She dipped her head slightly acknowledging and congratulating Cas on her new rank the best way she knew how. Really, she was just thrilled.
