
Nothing and Everything has changed



6 Years
07-05-2015, 11:31 PM
((Note: Due to Eevee's absence and the importance of this thread for Serefina, she has written a few parts of this post for me to post...with my post. She wrote the Serefina parts, I'm just posting them for her, to give IC reason as to why Serefina isn't around. Any PP has been approved by the players. ))

Glacier Glacier Glacier Glacier! It was all through his panicked mind, it echoed in his heart. Ever since the moment he stepped foot on the island and saw...them. Glacier Glacier. He had to get home, he needed his big brother. He needed to feel his warmth,  needed to know everything was okay. Glacier Glacier...

Well, it wasn't necessarily like anything changed. They had been abandoned, rejected, in essance they could all be considered parentless right? So why did his chest hurt so much?

It felt so strong, so stiffling. He could barely breathe, and yet he'd move speadily the moment their paws hit the shore of Alacritis. Everything hurt, everything ached, and he needed his brother. He had never felt such pain, such anger, such sadness. His eyes would continuously threaten to spill, his jaw would continuously clench, and he'd move as quickly as he could without leaving Gaia and their new friend too far behind.

On their way to the island Voltage and his ever impressive charm had managed to easily win over a new friend, who had accompanied them on the remaining bit of their journey. She had been a healer, she said, and he instantly jumped on the opportunity to bring her home to train Terrae. If he didn't have any siblings to bring home it would be good to at least bring home a tutor. So he had happily asked her to come along, to finish the trip and and then come home to Donostrea for a while.

But it seemed she would be of a different sort of use.

Glacier! He padded through the rocks towards home, forcing himself to slow down so Gaia and Orchid could keep up, but he needed to get home...he needed to get home right now. The ache in his chest continued to bloom, and he felt so lost. He needed his brother, needed to know the earth wasn't about to fall from under his paws.

The moment they had stepped foot on the island it had felt eeriely quiet, the wind even refused to blow. He had felt as if the entire world had fallen away, and for a moment he had blamed it on the fact that he hated this place, and the people that inhabited it.

But then he ventured along, finding the den his parents had owned, and time instantly stopped. Tears had instantly welled up in his gaze, and his chest felt tight. His parents...the ones he hated...the ones that were to blame for all their anger and their strife...

Orchid had taken it upon herself to examine the bodies...and deemed it murder.

Glacier...glacier. He whimpered as he saw the volcano in view, brows furrowed as he moved as quickly as he could. He knew Gaia was fine, Freewing would watch her steps. He needed to get home, to the safety of his beach, to the place where everything was right. He needed to tell Glacier...Glacier, Glacier.

A sob broke from his throat when he saw her, sitting and waiting for him to arrive. The snow had melted, spring on the air, and he knew that he had to tell her. The moment he was withing talking distance of his firey sister he would pull her into his warmth, and it would be her that he told first. Their parents...were dead.

Serefina: She had been waiting for him the moment the air had changed. Her eyes had sprung open and she raced out of their cave, making her way to the volcano that she once called her own. And she waited, for a full two days she sat awake and waited for him to show up. And on that third day, he finally arrived. Her ears pulled forward as her heart pounded in her chest, feeling almost painful as she stood up on her shaky legs. Serefina cared for nothing else but to get to her dear brothers side, all over feelings tossed aside as she longed for his touch. But as she drew nearer to him, she saw the tears on his face. "Voltage? What's wrong?" she asked breathlessly. Letting out a whine she frowned and pushed against him, breathing in his scent. Her legs wobbled as she fought to keep herself up on her four paws, exhaustion threatening to pull her down. But no, he was here, he was finally here. At last she could relax, could slip into her cycle once again. But he was upset... and she needed to know why.

Voltage:  "Gone..." He whispered into her fur the moment she pressed into him. His voice hurt from the speed he had moved, his eyes burned. "Sere, they're gone. Orchid...said it wasn't...natural" He couldnt do this, he couldnt pass on the bad news. He needed his big brother to ground him. Everything felt so hot and he couldn't control it. Tears would slip down his cheek as he hid his face in the fluff of her fur. "I found them, Sere. siblings, but...they were dead, Sere...gone." And with them...their only chance at answers.

Serefina: Confusion filled her when he spoke. Gone. Who is gone? She pulled back slightly, a delicate brow raising. She opened her mouth to speak again when he spoke again, about it not being natural, finding them -- no. They... no! Her head shook feriously as she took a step back, tears forming in her eyes. They couldn't be dead. Not that she had not been mad at them, she had hated them for making Voltage leave her. It had torn her in half, but now that they were gone. She whined, and it soon turn into a growl. Ears pinned back as her lips curled, anger easily replacing the sorrow. She disliked being sad, and it was so quick for the red hot tendrils of anger flared through her. ""You're lying!" she called, backing up even further as the hot tears flowed freely down her face. ""I don't believe you!" and then, in a classic Serefina move, she spun around and took off. She could hear his voice call after him, but she didn't care. She didn't believe him, not at all! They couldn't be dead. But he had been crying... No! She wouldn't believe it. She couldn't! So without even a glance back she raced as fast as her legs could take her, not planning on coming back any time soon. She had to see this for herself. She had to see her dead parents.

Voltage: Pain shot through his heart the moment she slipped from his fingers, his eyes grew so wide as she bounded off. And for a moment he was so frozen in place, unable to follow her. He knew what she would see there, he knew the pain she would feel but there was no way he could follow. It didn't stop him from calling her name, hoping that she would come back, hoping she would hear the pain in his voice...but it didn't work... Conflicted and torn apart, he'd turn away from the way she ran, towards the way he needed to go.

Voltage would have laid his life down for Serefina, but he knew in this moment she had to see it for herself. She had to see their parents and had to feel better somehow, whether it was by vengence or...wrecking something.

He's clench his jaw to keep the pain inside, turning quickly towards the beach. He needed Glacier, he needed his big brother. But he froze, quickly looking back at Gaia and Orchid. He felt terrible, but he hoped they'd understand. "I....I have to get home." He said, his voice pitched and tight. Emotion flooded him, hurting him terribly. "Please...I'll meet you there. I just...I have to get home." He wouldn't wait, hoped that Gaia would forgive him. He'd quickly step towards her, placing a kiss on her skull if she'd let him before turning swiftly.

He'd bolt, run, his paws barely able to hit the ground with each step. Tears would bubble before slipping down his cheek without permission as he ate away the distance. Everything hurt, everything ached, and he needed Glacier.

The moment his paws crossed the border and onto black sand he would bark, cry for his brother. The silence that had been there since he left was suddenly disrupted, destroyed. "Glacier Glacier Glacier Glacier!!" He called, he begged, he needed his brother. He needed Glacier, he needed his brother...

"Burn Baby Burn"